What’s the difference?
With so many sea kayak companies out there why should you choose Paddlers’ Realm?
What’s behind our name? Paddlers’ who have a passion for the sport and the Profession, for the water and immersion in nature.
Our Focus:
-Local Knowledge
-Interpersonal Skills
Our Business:
-Certified instructors/coaches
– Provide guide training and certification for many other outfitters in Southcentral Ak.
-Wilderness Medical Certifications
-USFS Permit Holder
-“Leave No Trace Ethics” advocate
-Marine Spill Response Team Crew Members
-Greatest Variety of Paddling Opportunities
-Small Business: small groups, personal trips
-Custom trips
Ryan’s paddling background:
Whittier has been my base since 2001. Extended and day trips within Passage Canal, Blackstone Bay, Harriman Fjord, Icy Bay, Port Nellie Juan, College Fjord, Unakwik Inlet, have been my staples. These trips along with personal exploratory journeys, both solo and with friends, from Valdez to Whittier, Whittier to Cordova, Southwestern PWS to Seward, have allowed me to observe the spectrum of weather and sea conditions from flat water and blue bird skies, to gale force winds, massive seas and days of relentless rain.
Living and traveling in these conditions for weeks at a time has provided me with the insight of how best to care for myself and others within these conditions. Paddling in truly remote regions of coastal Alaska illuminates the necessity to acquire the Wilderness First Responder certification and pursue personal kayaking skills/leadership training and certification and instructing/leadership certification.
Instructing Experience
Through the British Canoe Union : the 4-Star Leadership Award and the Coach Level 2 awards, FSRT, Coastal and Open Water Navigation, and participated in Coach Level 3 training, as well as four 5-star training programs and the 5-star assessment.
Through the American Canoe Association I have acquired the Level 4 Open Water Coastal Instructor, Level 3 River kayak Instructor, Level 3 River Safety and Water Instructor, Coastal Trip Leading Certification as well as the Adaptive Paddling Endorsement.
I am also a guide with the International Sea Kayak Guide Association. This is a fantastic hybrid of coaching and guiding which no other association offers.
For 12 years I worked as an instructor for the Alaska Kayak School offering beginner through advanced instruction throughout the summers and pool sessions throughout the winter. We also ran guide certification programs: American Canoe Association Coastal Kayak Day Trip Leader Course.
Pursuing these credentials has allowed me to train in Washington: Neah Bay, the San Juan Islands and Puget Sound; California: Bodega and San Francisco Bays; Georgia: Tybee Island, Alaska: Cook Inlet, Kachemak Bay, Kenai Fjords, Shuyak Island and of course Prince William Sound; and most recently Cornwall UK.
Personal and Guided Trips include: Valdez to Whittier, Whittier to Cordova, Whittier to Seward, Shuyak Island Circumnavigation, trips throughout Seward, Kachemak Bay, K-Bay to Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Turnagain Arm, many trips throughout PWS, a portion of the coasts of Belize and Nova Scotia.
I continue to provided instruction, assessments and guide certification for guiding outfits throughout Southcentral Alaska as well as beginner through advanced courses, instructional expeditions and certification for the public.
As the owner of Paddlers’ Realm I am afforded the opportunity to operate this company based on first hand experience throughout my personal and guided trips, instructional sessions, as well as working with many different outfitters and instructors/coaches. This integrated exposure provides me with the insight of how best to operate a sea kayaking business from the perspective of client, guide, instructor and owner.
It’s Personal!
Paddling also consumes a lot of our personal time: whether it’s hiking or paddling up a creek to see what’s in the back of the valley, running whitewater, packrafting, paddle boarding, heading out into storms for some down wind runs, playing on the coast, traveling to gain more knowledge in surf, rock gardens, tide races, and looking for new water- any water, to put a paddlecraft in and explore.
What all of this means most to us is a dedication to and intimacy of paddling: sea kayaking, river kayaking, paddleboarding and packrafting. With this combination we hope to offer the safest and most memorable experience possible, providing a positive introduction and springboard for those who’ve never experienced paddle sports before and to continue to stoke the fire for those more experienced.
Our passion for exploration and natural beauty, desire for adventure, and need-yes need, to be outdoors and active, brought me to Alaska and into the world of sea kayaking and paddling in general. Getting people on the water allows me to share the adventure of exploring this amazingly beautiful environment and to reveal the depth and richness to be discovered and acquired within these sports.